Self-preservation through a cancer diagnosis and recovery


A cancer diagnosis stops us in our tracks. In a blink of the eye, it cements us in fear. This is completely understandable. After all, it poses a potential threat to our very existence. It makes us feel powerless—as though we have lost control of over our own body.

The immediate impact of the three-word sentence, “You have cancer,” is a riveting experience that we feel both physically and emotionally. These are conscious feelings. But, these words also unconsciously chip away at those abilities each of us possesses and which are indispensable to self-preservation. They wear down those tools we need to navigate through any health crisis.

As human beings, we are all gifted with the ability to love and be loved, to make choices and decisions and to heal ourselves. We are also gifted with the freedom to express our own individuality. From the onset of a cancer diagnosis, we are thrust into the social landscape of cancer—FEAR. This difficult emotion consumes us, and the gifts we have to help us heal begin to erode rapidly!

I was 19 when I lost my first loved one to cancer. It took my 57-year-old mother in less than a year. Many more loved ones would follow. Upon reflection, I realized that in each of these cases, my loved ones’ self-preservation had become unrooted as fear eroded their emotional, mental, intellectual and spiritual selves and cancer depleted their physical body. In 2017, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and I’ll never forget the image of an unrecognizable woman staring back at me in the mirror, looking so out of control.

After the shock of my diagnosis subsided, I made the choice to refuse to give my power away to my breast cancer diagnosis. I committed myself to my self-preservation by embracing my human gifts and abilities to consciously uncover the message of my breast cancer for profound emotional, mental, physical and spiritual healing. I chose to get off that merry-go-round of perpetual fear the diagnosis put me on!



Every physical illness and emotional discomfort we experience originates from life’s unanticipated shocks and traumas.

Our suppressed emotions, hidden agendas or negative beliefs about these unanticipated shocks and traumas create destructive life patterns and are the “first cause” of illness and emotional discomfort.

No two people experience the same life events in the same way. The message of our illness is unique. Both our physical and emotional health require inner healing. Healing by Choice is a map that can help you find your unique path to healing. It is a holistic approach to wellness that can positively affect the healing change that you desire.

Healing by Choice is not just a “catchy” name I created 20 years ago. It reflects my active approach to physical and emotional wellness. Healing by Choice is not about fixing. It’s not about doing nothing. And it’s not about relinquishing your power to a cancer diagnosis and prognosis. My holistic approach is about healing. I can help you understand the how and why of your cancer so you can silence that ticking clock of fear in between checkups!




A cancer diagnosis scares the hell out of us regardless of our prognosis. I know this because I watched loved ones experience it—and then I experienced it too. When I received my breast cancer diagnosis, I recognized immediately I had to consciously choose to unplug from the debilitating fear perpetuated in our modern world.

I knew I needed to go inward to heal. It is the choice I made for healing.

Healing by Choice

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What People Are Saying

"A friend referred me to Jo-Anne. My experiences with her and her healing modalities have changed my life. I feel safe now to express myself and not worry about being judged."

Marie, Dieppe

"Jo-Anne was very thorough as she uncovered the emotional connection to my physical ailment. I feel so much better emotionally and physically."

Linda, Fredericton

"Jo-Anne is witty and honest. My husband and I were on our last attempt to save our 13yr marriage. She worked with us separately and then together. We feel eternally grateful for her guidance, it saved our marriage."

Tracey & Jeff, NB

"I have worked through a lot of childhood traumas of emotional and sexual abuse with Jo-Anne. I am finally free of the shame, 33 yrs later. Thank you, Jo-Anne, for walking beside me on this journey, showing me love, compassion and my inner strength."


"A coworker referred me to Jo-Anne. I was struggling in my relationship with my partner. Jo-Anne uncovered anger I didn’t realize I had and gave me tools to express my feelings openly. Gratefully all my relationships have improved."

Leanne, Moncton